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This year, OGL sponsored a capstone design project for a geomatics engineering team from the University of Calgary Schulich School of Engineering. Their goal was to create a digital map and 3D-model of the Calgary Zoo using aerial photogrammetry and LiDAR data.


The Capstone design project is a team-based venture in which engineering students apply the knowledge and skills acquired from their undergraduate program while growing as an engineering designer. The teams refine their skills in teamwork and project management working towards innovative, solutions to industry-sponsored design projects.

The team designed a flight plan to acquire imagery and LiDAR data of the project area of interest. They designed a ground control survey to collect ground control points using static and RTK surveying. Finally, using a bundle adjustment they accurately derived parameters to obtain a georeferenced point cloud to generate valuable DEMs, 3D models, orthophoto mosaics and flood maps. These mediums of data visualization are very valuable to many industries because of their practicality, efficiency and statistical significance in positioning.


OGL is proud of their team for successfully capping-off their geomatics engineering programs with the successful completion of a challenging engineering project. Their professionalism, well-planned survey designs and technical methodologies helped them achieve their ultimate project goals. OGL hopes this project will contribute to the core technical knowledge the team members have obtained throughout their undergraduate programs.

In literal terms, a capstone is the piece that sits atop the entirety of a structure. For the Egyptian pyramids, the capstone is the pyramidal piece sitting at the apex. In every sense of the word, the capstone’s purpose is to represent the structure which holds it up and recognize the combined efforts of the people who brought it to its awesome height.

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